"Our research shows that bacteria can be transferred to paper, survive on it, and subsequently contaminate hands. Paper, therefore, can serve as a vehicle for the cross-contamination of bacteria."
- American Journal of Nursing -
"Our research shows that bacteria can be transferred to paper, survive on it, and subsequently contaminate hands. Paper, therefore, can serve as a vehicle for the cross-contamination of bacteria."
- American Journal of Nursing -
Safe to Touch Print is an innovative and universal technology from Chemical Intelligence Ltd which integrates antimicrobial technology into print sealants and finishes, and thereby helps combat infection.
“So why, when paper is coming into contact with each of us so frequently, and its proven to carry high levels of contamination, shouldn’t we make it Safe-to-Touch™ ?”
On average, each person consumes approximately 675 pounds of paper a year. So, where does it all go? You might be surprised at some of the answers...
In the USA alone, they read over 350 million magazines, 2 billion books, and 24 billion newspapers a year - all printed on paper. Children play with paper dolls, paper masks, paper board games, and paper kites. Your ticket to a movie is made out of paper, and so are the containers and carry-out trays for your popcorn and drinks.
Most of us expect to find paper in schools and businesses; our desks are usually covered with it. Thanks to computers, which were once expected to make ours a paperless society, we now generate even more paper than ever before. And our money, cheques, certificates, stocks, birth certificates and marriage licenses, all the legal documents which govern our lives, are made out of paper.
How would you ship light bulbs, water glasses, or most of your new household products without the packaging that protect them? The largest category of paper products today is the one we take most for granted - cardboard. Where would your breakfast be without cereal boxes, coffee filters, or egg and milk cartons? In some cases your cake is baked, sold, reheated, and served in its original cardboard box.
We even use paper to build our homes. Sometimes it serves as a structural or decorative component, as with insulation, acoustical board, wallpaper and flooring. Paper is the backing material for masking tape, sandpaper, and electrical cable wrap. And when shelter is needed in an emergency, we can make a whole house out of cardboard.
As you can see, paper has evolved over the years from just a writing surface to a material that touches nearly every aspect of our lives. Although we frequently take it for granted, it's hard to imagine what our lives might be like without it.
Science-led developer of antibacterial protection technology for disposable consumables
Science-led developer of antibacterial protection technology for disposable consumables
“The component cost to manufacturers has been kept to a minimum to encourage mass adoption. The objective is to make Safe to Touch protection an option for all printed items, irrespective of end use or profit margin.”
Chemical Intelligence Limited is a science-led developer of antibacterial protection technology for high contact disposable consumables.
One of our patented chemical formulations, Bioseal™, is clinically proven to guarantee up to 99.999% protection of contamination on paper from micro-organisms.
We are a research and development company where scientists with decades of experience work on new ways to combat infection. Every step of the way we aim to harmonise our expertise in the fields of Chemistry, Microbiology, Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry with our commercial acumen.
Our mission is to advance science in practical applications and market these technologies to allow them to realise their potential both scientifically and commercially. We have several patent applications relating to different technologies filed around the world.
We are passionate about creating Positive Impact Technology.
The only clinically proven antimicrobal to guarantee 99.999% protection against the growth and spread of bacteria, virus, mould and serious illness via printed products
The only clinically proven antimicrobal to guarantee 99.999% protection against the growth and spread of bacteria, virus, mould and serious illness via printed products
“The microbes that cause the common cold, impetigo and more serious infections in adults and children live latent on inanimate objects for far longer than people think and grow at alarming rates.”
Safe-to-Touch (StT) is added to print finishes including sealants, varnishes and coatings at the time of manufacture.
Its antimicrobial properties are clinically verified* and guaranteed to last for the lifetime of the print treated product. StT has been press room tested under all print conditions and paper stocks.
During intensive live scenario testing, StT presented no negative impact on print finishes, colours, packaging hygiene, paper durability or the machinery used in the production processes.
These tests by the print industry highlight StT as being the only commercially viable way for manufacturers and brand owners to prevent the spread of viruses, moulds and bacteria via their products and without passing significant costs to the supply chain. This includes life threatening MRSA, Salmonella, E coli and Campylobacter
It is guaranteed to provide antimicrobial protection for the lifetime of the product which are sold into health services, care homes, nurseries and schools and to all environments providing products and services to the general public including the most vulnerable members of our communities.
"Bioseal is more effective, less expensive and easier to use than any existing antimicrobial coating."
Grant Penfield, Group Managing Director, Druckfarben UK Limited
"Bioseal is more effective, less expensive and easier to use than any existing antimicrobial coating."
Grant Penfield, Group Managing Director, Druckfarben UK Limited
“We have worked very closely with the Chemical Intelligence team to create a range of water based press ready coatings. Their technical support has been superb and they have always listened to, and taken on board, our feedback.”
Safe-to-Touch introduces a new, powerful strategy. Rather than squeeze profit margins in this highly competitive market, it turns the printer’s end product into a sort-after commodity.
By using StT to add antimicrobial protection to print finishes, all printers can provide a service that is genuinely different from the competition, one that adds true value to users and consumers and demonstrates social responsibility.
StT adds minimal component cost to the print finish
StT has been developed for mass protection against the spread of infection. It has been priced to enable all printers, from one-man businesses to mass production print facilities to provide their customers with the added value of the globally recognised StT kite mark and protection.
All products with StT protection can use and display the internationally recognised StT kite mark.
To the public this shows that the brand, manufacturer or procurement team put the health and well-being of their end-users and customers first when choosing suppliers and production processes.
The StTP kite mark tells the public that you put their health and well-being first.
The StTP kite mark tells the public that you put their health and well-being first.
“StT clearly demonstrates that the brand cares about its users, that it wants to protect the public from the risk of cross-contamination when handling any box, product, or printed material represented under its brand.”
The Safe-to-Touch™ is a registered certification mark owned by Chemical Intelligence. It is recognised as the international symbol of maximum antimicrobial protection on paper.
The StT kitemark offers true value to consumers and procurement teams working in or for the health and care sectors, education, public facilities including libraries and information centres, leisure chains, businesses and any organisations using, distributing or selling anything with a sealed print finish.
In addition to being an additional unique selling point, Bioseal can be vital to ensuring that compliance mandates are achieved. Hygiene and infection control is increasingly monitored by regulatory bodies beyond the health and food sectors.
Differentiating your service values in a competitive market is vital to success.
Differentiating your service values in a competitive market is vital to success.
The Safe-to-Touch kitemark provides your customers and potential customers with the assurance that you put customers first at every point of your business, from customer acquisition to service delivery.
It is scientifically proven that at any point in the life time of a service communications, whether a brochure, restaurant menu, book, direct mail, booking form, staff rota or timetable, it will come into contact with multiple viruses and bacteria.
This immediately puts anyone touching the document at risk of cross-contamination.
An StT treated product or communication reduces the risk of cross-contamination. By using only products and stationery that are StT protected you can be sure that your customers are at less risk of bacterial or viral infection when handling or even leaning against any printed materials including advertising posters, brochures and timetables.
If you are responsible for procurement, health & safety or brand protection for an organisation providing services in utilities, leisure, health, financial, professional services, library, education or transport, you can clearly demonstrate your organisation's commitment to best practice processes to customers, prospects and regulators.
Campylobacter has been highlighted as the major global cause of gastroenteritis and multiple reports pinpoint cross contamination from external packaging as key.
Campylobacter has been highlighted as the major global cause of gastroenteritis and multiple reports pinpoint cross contamination from external packaging as key.
Safe-to-Touch provides peace of mind to consumers who want the option to make informed decisions about the products or services they buy and use.
The StT kitemark tells consumers that a printed surface is resistant to all known harmful pathogens. As a result, the risk of becoming ill as a result of using or touching the product or item is significantly reduced. Any item bearing the StTP kitemark confirms that the brand, manufacturer of service provider conforms to a global standard.
StT is a trusted global symbol for pathogen safe printed products.
“As a mother to a small child who is forever touching, tasting and handling items it is both comforting and reassuring that a frightening real health risk is being addressed.”