Our coating solutions are set to revolutionise the print industry. See what people are saying about Safe-to-Touch print coatings...
Our coating solutions are set to revolutionise the print industry. See what people are saying about Safe-to-Touch print coatings...
“Bioseal is a chemical component added to print finishes. Originally, these coatings were developed for rub resistance and aesthetics. Bioseal adds up to a vital 99.999% protection against the contamination from and growth of harmful pathogens without significantly increasing costs. Now, any print process using any stock on any budget can cost effectively seal any paper based product, making it safe to touch by anyone, anywhere. This is a life changing and for some, lifesaving development for the printing industry.”
“BioSeal is more effective and less expensive than existing silver-based antimicrobial coatings. Its affordability and ease-of-use should lead to wide-scale adoption. It’s commercial component, Safe-to-Touch has been field-tested by a range of printers, using a variety of sheet fed and web presses and in-line and off-line coating units. Each reports that the coatings work normally on press and don’t change the appearance of the print in anyway or cause yellowing. This is vital for Pantone specific brands. I can see no barriers to its widespread use.”
“Bioseal has been developed in the lab specifically to eliminate the risk of bacterial infection from pathogens harbored on printed products. Our customers provide print services to businesses producing packaging, printed materials and products. The addition of Safe-to-Touch gives these printers the added value they often need to win new customers or to extend sales into markets where consumer or patient safety is either vital and a unique selling point. The Safe-to-Touch kite mark is sure to become one of the most sought after kite marks on the shelves. To reflect this, we have named our range including the chemical formulation, Safe-to-Touch.”
“The results of independent testing confirm that Safe-to-Touch has impressive killing activity against bacteria. Bacteria are killed on contact with all printed materials with StT included as an infection control component. This indicates enormous potential to reduce the transmission of person-to-person illness and infection resulting from contact with printed materials. The potential public health benefit Safe-to-Touch has globally is huge.”
“Printers and their customers will benefit hugely from the sales opportunities the Safe-to-Touch antimicrobial component adds to print sealants. Ultimately, end-users want to know they are safe from infection when handling or using items. With the growing use of the Safe-to-Touch kite mark on commercial items the public are going to become increasingly aware of products that are not safe to touch. The potential revenue opportunities for manufacturers, printers and brand owners are therefore huge.”
“Our research shows that bacteria can be transferred to paper, survive on it and subsequently contaminate hands. Paper, therefore, can serve as a vehicle for the cross-contamination of bacteria. Once contaminated, paper is hard to disinfect, because it cannot be disinfected by chemical means, as other inanimate surfaces can.”