"Bacteria, moulds and viruses can survives on paper surfaces for far longer than once appreciated. Multiple report findings suggest that additional precautions are necessary to prevent the spread of infections, especially in schools, care centres and hospitals."
"Bacteria, moulds and viruses can survives on paper surfaces for far longer than once appreciated. Multiple report findings suggest that additional precautions are necessary to prevent the spread of infections, especially in schools, care centres and hospitals."
“The impact mass contamination reaches far beyond the people who contract illnesses. There is a huge cost to public health services, to business profits, to brand value and to the reputation of the manufacturer, chain, retailer, health authority or care environment at fault. ”
Infections caused by bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi are an increasing risk as people become more resistant to antibiotics.
It can take days before the microbes trigger symptoms in people and so, unwittingly people spread infection. This makes the end consequence of the initial infection far greater and it much harder and more expensive to establish the root cause so it can be both eradicated and prevented from happening again.
When swabbed items used regularly in public venues and facilities including paper money and library books, are all found to be breeding grounds and pose a huge risk to public health.
"Harmful germs can live on magazines for up to 18 hours. The average magazine is handled by up to 10 people, therefore continuing the cross-contamination process until disposal."
"Harmful germs can live on magazines for up to 18 hours. The average magazine is handled by up to 10 people, therefore continuing the cross-contamination process until disposal."
“Restaurant menus are rarely, if ever given a thorough cleaning, especially if they’re paper. Recent research swabbed items on the tables of 12 restaurants. It revealed that menus carried the most germs, averaging 185,000 bacteria each!”
Our hands spread of 80% of common infectious diseases. Books, magazines, restaurant menus and printed materials are the most commonly shared commodities.
On each use, bacteria is moved from paper to hand to paper, contaminating and recontaminating with each users to ensure the on-going survival of pathogens.
Safe-to-Touch kills all know bacteria, viruses and moulds that live on paper and creates a life-time seal, providing the public with the assurance that no infection can be contracted from Safe to Touch treated books, magazines, menus or literature.
"40% of supermarket chicken packaging is contaminated with dangerous bacteria including campylobactor."
"40% of supermarket chicken packaging is contaminated with dangerous bacteria including campylobactor."
“Tackling the high levels of campylobacter on UK chicken is the Food Standards Agency number one priority.”
Food packaging is increasingly reported as the root cause of a bacterial spread. If the packaging is damaged in anyway, any bacteria on the packaged item will be transferred to the container including any paper labels.
Once touched, the bacteria can be passed from hand to trolley handle, checkout, bag, transport and into the home where additional items are at high risk of contamination.
This bacterial spread is not restricted to raw meats, all fresh food items will deteriorate and cultures developed if there is any contamination at any point in the production or supply chains.
Food packaging is thought to be one of the most virulent bacterial hosts. It generally contains moisture, creating the ideal conditions for the growth of pathogens.
Safe-to-Touch is proven by Campden BRI to kill all known food carried pathogens and to be food safe.
A study in the US revealed that 94% of banknotes tested revealed microbial contamination.
A study in the US revealed that 94% of banknotes tested revealed microbial contamination.
“On average European banknotes contain 26,000 bacteria while sterling has 18,200, sufficient for passing on infection. With banknotes passing between so many individuals there is merit in a wider study tracking the spread of resistant strains through movement of banknotes globally.”
Money is one of the most frequently passed items in the world and bacteria are not the only organisms found on money. Fungal contamination of money is also common. Some of these are potentially creating disease in humans.
On a daily basis, millions of bacteria are transferred from person to person via the handling of money.
Due to the frequent cross-boarder transfer of money during travel or currency like the Euro,used in multiple countries, the risk is also economic.
Safe-to-Touch kills micro-organisms commonly associated with banknotes including Staphylococcus aureus, α-haemolytic Streptococcus, E. coli, Salmonella.
“Paper can serve as a vehicle for cross-contamination of bacterial pathogens in medical settings — AJN, American Journal of Nursing”
“Paper can serve as a vehicle for cross-contamination of bacterial pathogens in medical settings — AJN, American Journal of Nursing”
“Paper can serve as a vehicle for cross-contamination of bacterial pathogens in medical settings if current recommendations on hand hygiene aren’t meticulously followed. ”
Infection control and patient safety can be supported by the antimicrobial properties of StT packaging.
Safe-to-Touch ensures that there is a reduced risk of infection for patients and healthcare professionals coming into contact with potentially contaminated printed items.
Due to costs controls and tight budgets, these packaging systems are cost-effective.
We understand the challenges that the healthcare industry is facing on a daily basis and the scope of the exercise. We want to be a part of this challenge by sharing our technology with all areas of healthcare manufacturing & processing to make a difference, we believe we can help not only with reducing cross contamination but potentially with product wastage.
We want to partner healthcare providers for a healthier future.